Weeknotes 2024 #4

And it's time for another monthly weeknote post. I really should come up with a better title for these.

In any case, it's been a busy time since the last post. Since then two of my emacs-related posts ended up being linked on Sacha Chuan's Emacs-News, which both amazing and surprising, there had been quite a bit of work - in my actual work that is - which covered mostly preparations for the upcoming concerts and practicing the next program. And of course, there had been a vacation. It seems that I only write these posts during or after a vacation.



Last week (it feels already much longer ago to be honest) had been said vacation-time during which I mostly watched STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE and even managed to finish the whole series. I enjoyed it a lot, but it brought back my aversion to Holodeck episodes, both in DS9 as well as TNG which I finished some time last year. I know why they are doing them, but in the grand scheme of things I find them to be mostly a nuisance and I found myself ever so often skipping those, even though I usually can't stand not "completing" something.

Being busy with that had the positive side-effect of me not-moving blogs or stuff like that again. So that's the good news.


Of course I spent quite some time working on my Emacs-configuration and eventually chose new fonts and themes and build a few transients to improve my setup. So far it turned out to be rather enjoyable. I am particular fond of the way my modifications for the EF-Melissa themes turned out. Essentially I modified them to be somewhat of a GRUVBOX variant while maintaining the EF-THEME feel.

I could of course simply use a GRUVBOX theme but after using either the EF-THEMES or the MODUS for almost since I started to use Emacs ones all other themes feel somewhat lacking or plainly wrong. I am sure that I could improve them even more, but for the time being those turned out pretty nicely for my usage.




For a while I had been not much able to focus on reading stuff, and had been frustrated with the books I started, thus took a break. I came about to start reading David McCraney's How to Change your Mind and found this, as his previous books, very interesting. I think that I will have this one finished pretty soon.

I have a few more books on my list, but I have the feeling that I will stick to non-fiction for a while.

#journal #weeknote