Weeknotes 2024 #3

Whoa, again the weeks fly by and I guess that I am again way behind my own schedule (no I have no expectation that anyone waits for these posts to drop, but still) so let's just jump right in.

The Blog

I had been thinking a bit about my usage of the /now page and wondered whether it would make sense to build some sort of archive of the pages instead of overwriting/updating the current page.

Not only would this not waste the effort of writing them in the first place, but also built a journal of sorts this way.

Somehow that would make sense - I guess, but maybe this is just an excuse to not-update the until I figured out a solution for that. Wouldn't be the first time.


Over the week I have spent quite a bit of time in Emacs and thus also started what I planned to, and naturally never really did, namely to update my Emacs Config. It goes without saying that I am nowhere near done, but I did made some progress during which I broke almost nothing. I want to say that I am getting better at that, but it might have been nothing but luck.

And while I had been at it, I also updated my Modus Theme configuration and changed some colours, changed to mixed-fonts and while I was at it, the fonts (Iosevka SS08, Iosevka Aile) and the modeline (Doom) as well and am rather satisfied how the whole thing turned out.

Next thing on my list is to change my configuration to tangle the intit-files manually to speed up the launch time, even though it doesn't take that long to begin with.


As I like to have things match up nicely, I had to spent a stupid amount of time to find a suitable wallpaper, and currently am using one of the default MacOS ones. Still have to find something better though.

Task Management

One of the many things that I am using Emacs for is my task-management and during the past two months tried to figure out whether I could work with a Bullet-Journal-like/ plain-text-setup in one file. I wanted to build something like this for a while and I think I came close, but already after this short time, and besides all the little adjustments and snippets that I created to make things a little more comfortable to use, it became obvious that it gets cumbersome to use and overall out of hand.

I realized that whether it's analog or digital, I don't want my todo-list to become a hobby of sorts.

So, the thought of going back to a plain org-agenda setup had been popping ever so often and now I switched back. Eventually I built a function that I had been wanting to have for quite some time to make my agenda use more the way I like it. I was happy to note that in the meanwhile I obviously have learned enough elisp to make that happen without too much of copy/paste. I take that as a good thing.


The MCU binge from the last weeks continued and we watched:

And yes, the order we watched had not been entirely in chronological order and without realizing we skipped Far From Home due to a mixup, but seriously, how many movies there have to be with "home" in the title?!

During all the time I continued reading "The Cryptonimicon" but it is such an epic book that you, provided that I manage to keep updating these posts, will find that a few more times in these posts.

#journal #weeknote