Weeknotes 2024 #05

A few, exceptionally busy weeks later it is time for yet another not-all-weekly-weeknote-post. Just as it should be.

Yes, it's been a while and I had to go through my journal files to get an overview what was going on during the past few weeks.

Journal files you say?!

While my "one-big-ass-org-file" idea was up to a good start I switched to a "file-per-entry" with Denote for the time being. It feels much faster and easier, or more natural maybe, to work this way. One thing - one file.

I am a bit worried of "cluttering" the journal folder but for the time being this works for me and the workflow feels quick and efficient.

Site design

I have been modifying the EF-Maris-dark theme into a bit of an Everforest-like theme and enjoy this setup quite a bit. Since I liked that, I went in again and started to modify this blog's dark theme into a similar one. I had an Everforest styled theme once before and spent an hour or so to build one here again.

As usual, it's nowhere near done, but it is getting there. Maybe I will have the light theme done by the time I am posting the next Weeknotes.


Should you be living close, we're playing with the OASBB on Sunday the 14th performing the music of Frank Zappa. It's quite a challenging program and there is a lot to practice for that one.


After finishing DS9 I started to watch Star Trek Voyager, and am currently somewhere in the second season. I don't have much time to watch something, so progress here is slow.

Also watched the Kung Fu Panda 4, which had been fun.


I finished Cal Newport's new book "Slow Productivity" and earlier Sequoia Nagamatsu' "Where We Go When All We Were is Gone" and am currently reading R.F. Kuang's "Yellowface"
