The Stupid Amount of Time

TL,DR: In which I predict the future, make fun of myself and save time, annoyance and money in the process.

I just had this happen to me again. My Emacs config, after many trials and errors, reached a state at which I can't think of anything "major" that I would like to change/improve, and I am perfectly content with the setup and ready to get some shit done. I even have a couple of themes paired with some matching desktop-wallpapers making my work environment nice, simple and a joy to use and am able to nicely control all my media with a consistent interface and I never had a better PDF reading situation before.

It's not perfect, but as close as I can get it to.

So, instead of actually enjoying my setup and do some work, I start to wonder whether using pen and paper actually would be better.

Of course I would do something like this. I can't make this up. This is what usually happens.

The next step would be to move all things possible again to a Bullet Journal, which will be a week-long process, and eventually start working in there. That is, until I am getting frustrated, by either the book, the size of the book, the grid-size, the paper, the pen, the ink-color, all the manual-setting-up things, the way I set up things, my handwriting in general (print, cursive)...

In total this will last 3-6 months, will cost me a stupid amount of money for notebooks or pens (likely both) and then I will quit stuff because I have the bright-idea of using Obsidian. Again!

Isn't sticking to Markdown files not generally better?! Of course also way more supported over ALL platforms?

This will be another two-month process, during which I, yet AGAIN, move entries from the Bullet Journal back to markdown-files.

Thus I spent yet another stupid-amount-of time™ setting things up. It goes without saying that I now naturally have to have all things synced, because, at this point in this drama, nothing is more important. It's almost of live-saving importance.

It should be said, I never really bothered to sync my orgmode files and obviously neither the Bullet Journal, and haven't even missed it even once. I do have a org-file reader on the phone though, but have lived happily without having all my stuff ready to be worked on the phone.

So, I subscribe to the sync for a month or two.

Eventually I get again frustrated, because Obsidian does nothing the way I want, is generally annoying to use a phone (I don't care what all the tech-dudes say) and most of all, it is not Emacs.

In the meanwhile I have spent yet another stupid-amount-of time™ figuring out solutions to make it more enjoying for me to use. Also Markdown is boring, limiting and has too many flavors, which is dumb.

Eventually I will go back to Emacs on my laptop, migrate all the new markdown files I generated (I know I could stick to Markdown, but why would I? ), update my couple-of-months un-touched file and what not. More time updating all the things and eventually continue working happily here and am wondering why I ever thought trying something else was a smart thing to do in the first place and whether I could have used the time more productive (Hint: the answer is yes)?!

Until there is nothing to fiddle with anymore... rinse, repeat, go back to square one.

The whole process is too stupid to be even made up and happened plenty of times already and was about to again, but it turns out, that it takes about 500 words to talk myself out this loop.

I shall refer to this post in regular intervals.

