The Books I Read in 2017

The stats from Goodreads came in the other week and I was happy to realize that I reached my reading-goal for this year. I didn’t succeed with big fanfare though, as I just nailed it with 17 out of 17 books.

Okay, the year is not over yet, and I just started reading Persepolis Rising, and still have John Scalzi’s ”Your Hatemail will be Graded” in the works, but somehow I doubt I will get either done still this year. But hey, I might surprise myself. And now some stats

According to Goodreads the stats look like this:

17 books with 5,746 pages alltogether. With 24 pages the shortest book would be Scalzi’s The Tale Of The Wicked (actually it’s a short story) and the longest would be Caliban’s War with 611 pages. The highest rated book (on Goodreads) is Chet Baker: The Missing Years and the most popular one Leviathan Wakes.

The books in the Expanse series by James S.A.Corey and the work of John Scalzi were certainly my discovery of the year. I especially enjoyed ”Old Mans War”.

The Books

Considered the time that I have to read, I guess I will not go out far, and keep my goal of 17 books for the next year.
